Kofax SignDoc SDK

Workflow automation via the functionality integration of e-signature

Improvement of transaction processes

Podpis kwalifikowalny na dokumencie

Kofax SignDoc® SDK allows for your e-signature to be closely integrated with company applications and business processes. Thanks to Kofax SignDoc® SDK, mobile, web or rich-client apps, as well as Adobe Live Cycle environments, can handle processes involving electrical signatures. The Kofax SignDoc® SDK solution compares your e-signature with a corresponding signature and because of that, your clients can be certain that they are using the correctly verified signature. The system provides the same level of security as Kofax SignDoc nad it meets all legal requirements for using e-signature worldwide.

Time and cost reduction

The Kofax SignDoc® SDK application generates e-signatures according to the applicable provisions of the law. The use of e-signatures in the day-to-day operations of any company significantly improves the document signing process. All crucial documents can be signed in a fast and safe way. The solution offered by the Kofax company is environmentally friendly. The use of e-signatures instead of a conventional signature saves a lot of paper.

Technical aspects of the product

SignDoc SDK works as a plugin - it has to be integrated with an application, which features the use of SDK. The easily performed integration of Kofax SignDoc SDK allows the application to work with many interfaces, such as: Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, winRTx86 and winRTx64. SignDock SDK enables you to use e-signatures (a handwritten electronic signature or click-to-sign) in various document formats, e.g. PDF or TIFF. Kofax SignDoc SDK provides the e-signature function on various devices, for instance, mobile phones and tablet PCs.

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